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Your Journey to Natural Wellness

Tentang Kami

Sonya Natural Lifestyle merupakan puncak dari dedikasi selama lebih dari 30 tahun terhadap kesehatan alami dan kebugaran holistik. Dipimpin oleh Sonya Go, seorang ahli akupuntur dan ahli gizi organik yang berpengalaman, pusat kami telah menjadi pelopor penyembuhan holistik sejak didirikan pada tahun 1992. Perjalanan Sonya dimulai di Amerika Serikat, di mana ia menguasai seni akupuntur sebelum kembali ke Indonesia untuk mendirikan Sonya Natural Holistic Centre. Dengan klinik di seluruh Jawa Tengah, termasuk Jakarta, Semarang, dan Depok, Sonya telah memberdayakan banyak orang untuk mencapai kesehatan yang langgeng melalui metode alami.

Keahlian Sonya memadukan teknik akupuntur tradisional dengan terapi inovatif seperti biofeedback kuantum, manajemen stres, dan solusi anti-penuaan. Pendekatannya berakar pada pemahaman mendalam tentang keseimbangan pikiran-tubuh, menawarkan perawatan yang dipersonalisasi yang ditujukan untuk seluruh pribadi. Di Sonya Natural Lifestyle, misi kami adalah menginspirasi dan membimbing Anda menuju kehidupan yang bersemangat, awet muda, dan sehat secara alami.

Jelajahi layanan kami dan mulailah perjalanan Anda menuju kesehatan holistik hari ini.


Temukan Layanan Kami

Gambar oleh Chinh Le Duc

Temukan Blog Kami

Alexa Muda, California

"When I came in today, I had been crying for an unknown reason. After the session this is the first time in 2.5 days I feel okay. No want or need to cry and zero tears. The pain in my back is gone. I was able to lay on my back without pain. No pain when walking. The pain in my lower legs and feet gone zero. The numbness and tingling in my fingers gone "zero". This is amazing! Head and neck pain gone."

Morgan James, New York

"Testimoni yang bagus dapat meningkatkan citra merek Anda. Klik untuk mengedit dan menambahkan testimoni Anda sendiri."

Elizabeth W.

Elma, NY

“Minta pelanggan mengulas produk Anda dan bagikan apa yang mereka katakan. Klik untuk mengedit dan menambahkan testimoni mereka.”

Addison B.

North Collins, NY

"It is amazing technology which has been able to decrease not only the symptoms but the root causes of pain. The sessions are a more wholistic approach which have enabled me to become more aware of stress and anxiety in my life which aided in producing pain. I feel that is has enchanted the quality of life and reduced the chronic symptoms that I was experiencing."

Nancy C.

Fairport, NY

"Overall I feel pretty good with less tightness in my neck. Looking forward to getting more results after more sessions."

Alisa B.

Ransomville, NY

I had a lot of anxiety and was in a constant state of worry also hip pain and eye pain.

Sonya was very understanding, she is a very calming person. She encouraged me to be more positive about myself and showed me breathing techniques to help me relax.

It was the best hour, my mind and body was relaxed and I felt very calm when I left.

Yes, I want to find ways other than taking medication to heal whatever pains are going in my body and mind.

Sonya listens to you and explains hoew everything is connected. She truly wants to help you get out of pain and experience overall wellness ion mind, body and spirit.

After my session I came home and was so relaxed I fell asleep for a couple of hours. Every night since then I have been sleeping great! My eyes have been started to feel better, and I have found that when I get anxious, I can do the breathing and calm myself before it gets out of control.

Sonya Go
Dipl. Ac, HHP, LMP

Sonya Natural Lifestyle

Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner

American Association of Drugless Practioners


Licensed Member Provider

Professional Wellness Alliance


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Where to Find Us

5586 Main Street, Suite G4

Williamsville, NY 14221

Mon - Fri: 4pm - 8pm
​​Saturday: by appointment
​Sunday: 12pm - 5pm

©2024 by Sonya Natural Lifestyle. 

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